Translation notarization
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You can order notarized translation of documents at Avesta agency in Yekaterinburg. Notary certification of a translated text or document is required to make it official. Authenticity is confirmed, qualification of the translator is noted and a document is notarized.

Leading experienced notaries of Yekaterinburg cooperate with the agency. The order is done quickly, efficiently and at affordable prices. You get a notarized translation without further delay.

The cost of notarization is 1300 rubles, time of notarization is 1 day


Any original document in its language is official. Any of its copies are not. This applies to both photocopies and translated versions. You need a full set of documents in the language of the country where you plan to be registered to be employed, get a visa, enter a university etc. You are not required to obtain new documents. It is enough to make their notarized translation, which will give copies legal effect.

It is possible to make notarization only if the translation is made by a profile specialist, whose qualification is confirmed. You have no right to translate your documents on your own even if you are a translator. Therefore, you need to turn to a language agency for a notarized translation.

Avesta Agency in Yekaterinburg offers translation services for the following documents:

Certified documents translated into English (or other languages) are required for students, tourists and employees traveling abroad. Foreign students, visitors and employees are also required to make translation of their documents but into Russian. Typical papers are translated quickly, within 15 minutes.

Qualified specialists making translations for their subsequent notarization process documents correctly. They are familiar with the legal requirement for the layout. The information (dates, addresses, places of issue etc.) are rechecked before submission to the notary. Prices are affordable, terms are quick. You can order a translation by phone or e-mail.