Notarization of other people's translations

Notarization of other people's translations

We certify and check other people's translations.

It often happens that a client themselves is fluent in a language, a translator or has their translation done at another agency, and just needs to have a finished translation certified, but a a notary does not accept documents signed by unfamiliar translators. We accept such translations for editing, and after that, if the quality of the translation is at the proper level, we can certify the document with the signature of our translator. Thus, you pay only the cost of certification - 50% of the translation cost.

Please, note that finished translations are accepted only in electronic form.


  • The header of each page should contain the inscription "Translation from a language into a language". It is enough to have this inscription in Russian when translating from a foreign language into Russian. When translating from Russian into a foreign language, the same inscription must be duplicated in the target language. If the document contains texts in several languages, the inscription in the header of each page must specify as the original language the language(s), in which the text on the page is written. If the document contains parallel texts in two foreign languages, the language, which was actually translated, should be specified as the original one the header inscription.
  • If there are any graphic symbols in the original text, they should be described in the translation. For example: "National emblem of the United Kingdom", "Orthodox cross of the Russian Orthodox Church", etc.
  • The translation should not contain words in a foreign spelling, i.e. it is necessary to give Russian transliteration. For example: it is recommended to translate 10, Kensington High Street, London as Лондон, Кенсингтон Хай Стрит, 10.
  • The original text must be translated in full including the text of all stamps, seals, etc.
  • If a document contains handwritten inscriptions, they are also translated.


Директор Дж. Смит
Штамп: Торгово-промышленная палата г. Брно
Круглая печать: Фиат Интернэшнл С.п.А., Департамент международного развития
Круглая гербовая печать: Морони Джузеппина, дочь Ремо, нотариус г. Турина.

  • Names and surnames of children and their parents in translation of passports and birth certificates shall be identical. For example, if the surname "Warren" is translated as "Уоррен" in the passport, it cannot be translated as "Воррен" in the birth certificate, etc.
  • The following is not translated: original form numbers (for example, BAL 123456), passport series and numbers (for example, GBR 123456789), post codes (W8 6JQ), etc.
  • It is recommended to specify the machine-readable line in a passport in the following format: Machine-readable line.